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3.25 / kilogram(s)
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Citrus existed 20 million years ago and its origin is in Southeast Asia. Specifically in China, Indochina and India. Hence comes the name, color of the dress worn by Chinese mandarins. Since then they have spread throughout the world and have evolved in very different ways, leaving many varieties. He extended thanks to the wars: Charlemagne, the Crusades, the discovery of America ... In the eighteenth century came to Spain, one of the top producers and consumers. The mandarins are of the family Rutaceae, the gender of the subgenus Citrus and aurantioideas. Tangerines are the most consumed citrus throughout the world. They are grown in tropical and subtropical climates, since they do not tolerate low temperatures. It is proven that the consumption of citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, grapefruits ... They primarily protect against colds, because of his great contribution in vitamin C. and have other powerful benefits The main producers are tangerines with: Brazil, USA, China, Mexico, Spain, India, Iran, Italy and Argentina. In Spain, the top producer is the Valencia region, followed by Andalusia, Murcia, Catalonia and bearings.

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1.80 / kg *
Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
3.50 / kg *
2.55 / kg *
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off season

5.95 / kilogram(s)
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mango is a fruit of the tropics and sweet fleshy pulp. Its main features are, first, that it is a fruit that never expires and, secondly, taste (sweeter than other fruit such as watermelon). This may or may not fibrous, with the variety called "lint handle" that contains more fiber. The fruit is normally green at first, and yellow or orange when ripe, mildly acidic flavor when fully mature. Of Asian origin, mainly from India, including numerous varieties, many of them obtained by grafting, as shown in the image of the taxonomic table (probably handles Thompson, who is one of the most widespread varieties).

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3.00 / package(s) *
Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
1.80 / kg *
3.40 / kg *
3.50 / kg *
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2.55 / kilogram(s)
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery

One of the most popular fruits available throughout the year. Traditionally it was known as "fruit of health." In English Dice: An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away (an apple a day the doctor away from your door). He attributed many healing properties, besides its known diuretic power. There are many varieties in the market and its attractive price. Apart from direct consumption is usually made applesauce, juice, jellies, pies and other desserts far more popular. The Apple Coin Coin is originally from Málaga and say it's exceptional health, especially heart disease.

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Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
1.80 / kg *
3.50 / kg *
3.40 / kg *
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Browse this category: Ecological fruit

Pippin Apple

Out of season

Apples (fruit of the species Malus domestica Borkh) varieties "White Pippin" and "Pippin Gris", intended for human consumption fresh. Apples protected by the Denomination of Origin Apple Pippin are classified in categories "Extra" and "I" set out in R (EEC) No 920/89 on the quality of apples for fresh consumption. The hardness of the Pippin Pippin White and Grey produced in the region of Malaga is extremely high, being superior to any bibliographic reference type varieties found on samples Pippin and Pippin type varieties from other parts of Spain. The Málaga Pippin presents different characteristics from that produced in other parts of the Spanish geography. Its external features we define a fruit flattened, wider than tall, with short stalks and a cavity calicínica (base) closed. The color collection is a dull green background with typical surface rust (russeting), which gives the main difference with the naked eye with other Pippins. Their physical and organoleptic qualities special focus on: High hardness of the pulp. Better texture to the bite (not mealy). High in sugar. Balance between acidity and sweetness. Great taste and intense aroma. Juicy fruit. Y. .. russet has five times more Vitamin C than any other apple.

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Out of season

4.95 / kilogram(s)
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The peach is native to China for 3,000 a. c. From there went to Persia. Its Latin name is Prunus persica, comes precisely from Persia, the route was established between China and Persia. It is known that in 330 a. c.se consumption spread to Greece and to the Middle Ages did not reach Europe. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and in turn to the genus Prunus. It needs a temperate climate to grow without problems, because not stand the cold well. Spain is the 2nd largest producer of peaches, behind Italy. 20% of the collection is intended for the industry to make juices, canned fruits, yogurts ... The main peach producing countries are China, Italy, USA, Spain, Greece and France. Geographically, Spain peaches stand Calanda (Teruel) and peaches Murcia.

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Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
2.55 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
1.80 / kg *
Tomato Pear
2.75 / kg *
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Product out of season

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It is very clear what their origins, to some it is Africa, or India or Afghanistan and China. But the truth is that there is evidence that ancient Egypt was already makes 2400 a. J.C. Also consumed by the Romans in the third century, and Muslims. GUE introduced in Spain by the Arabs. In France did not begin eating until the sixteenth century. Columbus was the one who introduced in America in one of his trips. The melon is an herbaceous plant, climbing the family Cucurbitaceae. Need tropical climates, dry, organic-rich soils, soft and well drained, so that in Europe are imported melons tropical countries such as Brazil, Costa Rica, Israel, Morocco, Honduras, Ecuador, ... Spain is the European country to produce, followed by Holland and France. Spanish areas where melons are grown: Almería, Murcia, Valencia, Castellón, Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Madrid, Elche (Alicante).

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Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
1.80 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
3.40 / kg *
3.50 / kg *
Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery

Browse this category: Ecological fruit


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2.45 / kilogram(s)
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery

The sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) is one of the most popular fruits in the world healthy. It has a high content of vitamin C. Its flavor, especially of some varieties is really superb for its acidity and sweetness. Like all citrus fruits contain from forty to fifty percent juice, twenty to forty percent of skin and a twenty to thirty per cent of pulp and seeds. Approximately 90 percent of its water content is five percent of sugars. Orange is the result obtained from sweet orange (Citrus sinensis ×), a former hybrid tree native to India, Vietnam or southern China.

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Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
1.80 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
2.55 / kg *
3.40 / kg *
Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery

Browse this category: Ecological fruit


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4.20 / kilogram(s)
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From the skyscrapers of Benidorm and Altea bohemian is impossible to imagine the beautiful crops loquat orchards that stretch from the coast to the mountains with narrow valleys full of trees and nursery with this beautiful and rich fruit. The region of Callosa d'en Sarria in Alicante as Polop villages, La Nucia of great beauty and attraction represent a wealth of fruit that can be enjoyed by their proximity to the coast with beautiful excursions. It is a tree of the Rosaceae family. The medlar has an edible pulp is white to orange and is very aromatic, fleshy, with an intense sweet but somewhat acid. Originally a fruit from China that fits around the world with excellent quality, such as the Japanese medlar.

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Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
1.80 / kg *
2.80 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
3.50 / kg *
Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery

Browse this category: Ecological fruit


Out of season

5.95 / kilogram(s)
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery

Prunus persica var. platycarpa, better known as Paraguaya and Paraguayo, is a species of the genus Prunus, with a fruit like peach but with a flattened shape, from a mutation of the peach. Paraguaya is a relatively recent mutation originated in China. It is grown mainly in temperate regions and has a soil and crop requirements similar to the peach and nectarine. Paraguayan there are different varieties of white pulp with or without greenish or reddish streaks, yellow flesh, totally or partially detached from the seed.

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4.05 / kg *
3.50 / kg *
Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
1.80 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
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2.95 / kilogram(s)
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Its common name is pear and belongs to the Rosaceae family. Its origin is in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. This is the origin of species and Pyrus nivalis Pyrus caucasica. It is cultivated in Europe, North Africa and Asia. The main producers of pears are China, Italy, USA, Spain and Argentina. Need something temperate and humid.

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Canary Banana
3.25 / kg *
3.00 / package(s) *
1.80 / kg *
2.55 / kg *
3.50 / kg *
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